Scottish & Rattray Heritage Resources
For help with your family research and to find interesting information about the Rattrays, please review the sources by clicking on the Ancestry Research Resources tab. You will discover an extensive list of websites, tips, podcasts, and more there. Additionally, you can enter “Rattray” in the search bars of these sources to see what comes up. If you need further assistance with your genealogical research or wish to be added to the Rattray Family Tree Database, contact our family genealogist, Dr. Charley Bird, at [email protected].
Want to find Rattrays you may be connected to?
You may be interested in joining the Rattray Surname DNA Project. The project is located on Family Tree DNA.
Ancestral Research
There are many, many more resources including newspapers and we will update the page every 6 months as needed:
Subscription Data Bases
- AmericanAncestors – New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Has New England and New York resources.
- Ancestry – Different levels of information and different payment levels. Some libraries have library versions
- Find My Past – Focused on British records but has some US. You can also sin up for a free account.
- Fold3 – Mostly military records but has birth records. If you live in Cuyahoga County in Ohio in the US you can use your library card for free access through the library.
- Genealogy Bank – Historical newspapers, mostly obituaries. You can search for free but a membership is required to access full text.
- My Heritage – Good for European research.
- Newpapers.com – Digitized historical newspapers.
Free Sites Recommended by the National Genealogy Society (NGS): Membership Based
- Access Genealogy – Links to genealogical data by state or topic.
- Afrigeneas – African American genealogy.
- Allen County Library (Indiana) – Extensive genealogy center. Native American, African, military resources, and Bibles.
- Billion Graves – Searchable by person or cemetery.
- Cyndi’s List – Comprehensive list of links.
- Family Search – Supported by the Church of Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Very extensive.
- Find a Grave – Photos and text added to graves.
- Freedman’s Bureau – Federal agency of US Department of War to help slaves who were set free after the Civil War and poor whites with provisions, clothing and fuel.
- GenealogyTrials – African American and Native American resources.
- Geni – Basic membership is free. Can use to find and verify data.
- Jewish Gen – Records and surname search facilities.
- Legacy.com – Resource for obituaries.
- Library of Congress – Online catalog.
- National Archives – Ship Passenger Lists & Immigration Records
- National Archives & Records Administration – Starting your genealogy research.
- Society of American Archivists – Tips on using archives for research.
- The New York Public Library – Extensive materials.
- The USGenWeb Project ® – Select state, then country and it will route you to a local website with information that is searchable.
- U.S. Census Bureau – 1950’s was released to the public.
- WikiTree – Free membership. Collaborative family tree. Use to find and verify data.
Ship’s Manifests
- Castle Garden – First immigration center in America.
- German Roots – Ship manifests and immigration records and not just for German ancestry.
- GG Archives – Military, immigration and ocean travel.
- Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild – 18,000+ passenger manifests.
- Maine Genealogy – Ship records and other indexes.
- Norway Heritage – Passenger lists from Norway.
- Olive Tree Genealogy – American and Canadian ancestors.
- Roots Ireland – Irish lists of immigrants from 1800’s.
- SteveMores.org – Scans of manifests.
- The Ships List – Lists of fleets, and passenger ships.
- The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island – Create a free login and you are able to find ship’s manifests and some photos.
Historical Map Websites
- Arcanum Maps – Historical maps of Europe.
- Atlas of Historical County Boundaries in the US
- David Rumsey Map Collection – Over 150,000 maps of the world from 1550 to current day.
- Historic Map Works – 1.6 million historic maps and images.
Canadian and European Resources
- Archion – German
- Britroyals – All the Kings and Queens
- CoraWeb – Australia, New Zealand, UK, India
- Filae – French
- Folger Shakespeare Library – Research library in Washington, D.C.
- Foundation for Medieval Genealogy
- FreeBMD – Birth Marriage and Death Certificates in UK
- Free UK Genealogy
- GENUKI – Virtual Reference Library UK
- Library and Archives of Canada
- ScotlandsPeople
- The National Archives of the UK
Finding Photos
- Ancestry (Scanned documents of Rattray)
- Ancient Faces (free)
- Civil War Photos
- Classmates
- Dead Fred
- Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
- Flickr
- HathiTrust
- Internet Archive Library & Archives of Canada
- Library of Congress
- MyHeritage
- National Archives
- National Library of Scotland
- New York Public Library Digital Gallery
Books & Magazines
- An Ordinary of Scottish Arms by Sir James Balfour Paul
- Scotland
- Scottish Heraldry: An Invitation by M. D. Dennis – A wonderful Introduction to Scottish Heraldry
- Scots Heraldry by Sir Thomas Innes of Learney
The Bible of Scottish Heraldry - Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia by George Way of Plean & Romily Squire (Harper Collins 1994)
- Scottish Clans and Their Associated Families: A Researchers Guide by Bob Heston
- So You’re Going to Wear the Kilt by J. Charles Thompson – An excellent little book on the What, Why & How to wear Scottish Attire. Required reading for those just starting out.
- The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black
- Unicorn Unlimited, Inc. – One of the best sources of Scottish & Celtic Books http://www.scotpress.com/
Genealogy Blogs
General Scottish Resources
- Scottish Banner
- Scots’ Charitable Society
- The Court of the Lord Lyon – The Official Heraldry Office for Scotland
- The Heraldry Society of Scotland
- The Scottish Tartan Authority
- The Scottish Register of Tartans
How to Share your Family Tree
- Caramel’s Corner – How to use Google sites for Family History
- Family Search – The Google Genealogist
- GenealogyPants
- GenealogyYou
- Organize Your Family History
Scottish Societies in the U.S. & Canada
- Scottish Heritage Societies by Country
- The American-Scottish Foundation ®
- The Scottish Association of Family History Societies – enter ‘Rattray’ into the search bar and discover 595 historical Rattray items of interest!
Television in U.S.
Finding Your Roots (PBS)
Who Do You Think You Are? (NBC and Peacock)
We’ll Meet Again (PBS)
Genealogy Roadshow (PBS)
Roots Less Traveled (NBC and Peacock)